Admission Criteria
Admission into the EMPOWER program is based on numerous criteria. The program is specifically
designed for individuals age 18-24 with mild cognitive disabilities who do not demonstrate
significant behavioral or emotional problems.
Students must have been served in special education in public schools and have an IEP (Individualized Educational Program) or have had similar programming in alternative settings. Students should display functional literacy and math skills as well as demonstrate satisfactory academic progress within their modified course work.
Prospective students must exhibit the necessary independent living skills. These skills are required for them to live in an apartment setting on campus or off campus, and navigate the campus and community. Students also should have the potential to improve their independent living skills and become successfully employed in competitive employment settings at the end of the program.
A big part of the admission decision will be based on the interview with students and family members. Students must demonstrate an interest in the program, and a level of motivation and social skills that would result in their successful experiences in the EMPOWER program.
Admission Process
- Applications are closed for Fall 25' school year. Applications for Fall 26' will open on July 1st.
- To be consider for early admission, applications must be submitted by October 15th.
- Traditional Application deadline (deadline is strictly adhered to)
- Jan. 1
- Submit 3 letters of recommendation
- Submit most recent IEP (Individualized Educational Program)
- Submit documentation of a cognitive disability
- Submit Psychological Evaluation (within 3 years)
- Participate in an interview with EMPOWER staff
Tuition and fees for EMPOWER students
EMPOWER students pay the same tuition and fees paid by all undergraduate students at the University of Arkansas, including in-state tuition and fees when appropriate.
In addition, there is a $5,000 per semester EMPOWER program fee that enables the extra supports provided to students.
EMPOWER is a special, self-supporting program funded by revenue generated from tuition and fees from its participants. Tuition and fee discounts for EMPOWER for University of Arkansas employees and their spouses/dependents will only be applied on a limited basis, after the program ensures that there is sufficient tuition revenue available to cover all costs of the program, solely at the discretion of the College of Education and Health Professions. To help support its viability as a continuing resource, EMPOWER must ensure sufficient revenue is available to cover all costs associated with delivering the program to its participants.