EMPOWER — Educate, Motivate, Prepare, Opportunity, Workplace readiness, Employment, Responsibility

EMPOWER students talk in 2017 with a peer mentor for the program.EMPOWER offers a four-year, non-degree college experience program for students with cognitive disabilities that incorporates functional academics, independent living, employment, social/leisure skills, and health/wellness skills in a public university setting with the goal of producing self-sufficient young adults.

The University of Arkansas program is offered for students who demonstrate the ability to safely live independently, sustain employment, and socially integrate during their enrollment. The program progresses with an emphasis on workplace experience, community integration, and independent living with transitionally reduced supports.

Students who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate of program completion.

Upcoming Events

EMPOWER will be hosting their spring open house on March 20th, from 3-6pm in the Arkansas Student Union, room 503.   

Please RSVP if you plan on attending. 


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